Stepwise Regression: A Master Guide to Feature Selection

Stepwise Regression: A Master Guide to Feature Selection

One of the most challenging aspects of machine learning is finding the right set of features, or variables, that can accurately capture the relationship between inputs and outputs. One of the most popular techniques for feature selection is stepwise regression.

Feature selection is the process of selecting a subset of relevant features from the original set of features to improve model performance. In essence, it is about identifying the most informative features that can help the model make accurate predictions.

Stepwise regression is a method that iteratively adds or removes features from a model based on their statistical significance. This process is repeated until a set of features that maximizes the model performance is identified.

Stepwise regression is particularly useful when dealing with a large number of features, as it can help to reduce the number of features in the model without sacrificing accuracy. This technique can be applied to linear and logistic regression models, among others.

Stepwise Regression: A Master Guide to Feature Selection

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However, it is important to note that stepwise regression has its limitations. For instance, it assumes that the relationship between the features and the target variable is linear, which may not always be the case in real-world scenarios. Additionally, stepwise regression can sometimes result in overfitting, which can negatively impact the model's generalization ability.

In this beginner's guide to feature selection, we will delve deeper into stepwise regression and explore how it can be used to select the best set of features for your model. We will also discuss some of the limitations of this technique and explore alternative methods for feature selection.

By the end of this guide, you will have a solid understanding of stepwise regression and how it can be used to improve your machine learning models. So, let's get started!

Introduction to Feature Selection

When building a machine learning model, the quality of the input data can greatly affect the accuracy and generalization ability of the model. Feature selection is the process of selecting a subset of relevant features from the original set of features to improve model performance.

Introduction to Feature Selection

What Is Feature Selection?

In other words, feature selection is about identifying the most informative features that will help the model make accurate predictions. By removing irrelevant or redundant features, we can reduce overfitting and improve the generalizability of the model to new and unknown data.

There are many different methods for feature selection, but one of the most common is stepwise regression. Stepwise regression is a method of repeatedly adding or removing features from a model based on statistical significance. This process is repeated until a set of features that maximizes model performance is identified.

Why is feature selection important?

For starters, it can help to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the model by reducing the number of features required for prediction. This can be especially useful when dealing with large datasets, as it can help to speed up the model training process.

Moreover, feature selection can help to address the curse of dimensionality, a problem that arises when the number of features in the dataset is much larger than the number of observations. This can lead to overfitting, where the model fits too closely to the training data and fails to generalize well to new data.

What is Stepwise Regression?

Stepwise regression is a regression technique used for feature selection, which aims to identify the subset of input features that are most relevant for predicting the output variable.

What is Stepwise Regression?

Unlike other regression techniques such as

stepwise regression systematically selects input features based on their statistical significance and contribution to the model's performance. 

This approach helps to avoid overfitting the model by only including the most informative input features, thus improving the model's interpretability and generalizability. Additionally, stepwise regression is computationally efficient and can handle high-dimensional input spaces with a large number of input features.

At a high level, stepwise regression starts with an empty or full set of features and iteratively adds or removes features based on their statistical significance. The algorithm continues until a set of features that maximizes the model performance is identified.

Different types of stepwise regression

There are different types of stepwise regression, including 

  • Forward Selection, 
  • Backward Elimination, 
  • Bidirectional Elimination.
  • Forward Selection: the algorithm starts with an empty set of features and iteratively adds the most statistically significant feature to the model. This process continues until no more features can be added without reducing the model's performance.
  • Backward Elimination: the algorithm starts with the full set of features and iteratively removes the least statistically significant feature from the model. This process continues until no more features can be removed without reducing the model's performance.
  • Bidirectional Elimination: a combination of forward and backward selection, where the algorithm alternates between adding and removing features until no more changes can be made to improve the model performance.

How stepwise regression works

To perform stepwise regression, the data must first be prepared by cleaning and preprocessing the data. This includes handling missing values, scaling the data, and encoding categorical variables.

Once the data are ready, the process of stepwise regression can begin by selecting statistical measures to evaluate the performance of the model. Common indices used in stepwise regression include the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), and modified R-squared.

At each step of the selection process, the algorithm evaluates the statistical significance of each feature and decides whether to add or remove it from the model. This process continues until the set of features that maximizes model performance is identified.

How to Implement Stepwise Regression

In this section, we will explain how to implement stepwise regression, prepare data, and perform forward and backward selection.

Implementing forward stepwise regression

Forward stepwise regression starts with an empty set of features and iteratively adds the most statistically significant feature to the model. To implement forward stepwise regression, you can follow these steps:

  1. Start with an empty set of features.
  2. Train the model using one feature at a time, starting with the most statistically significant feature.
  3. Evaluate the performance of the model at each step and keep track of the set of features that maximizes the performance.
  4. Continue adding features until no more features can be added without reducing the model's performance.

Implementing backward stepwise regression

Backward stepwise regression starts with the full set of features and iteratively removes the least statistically significant feature from the model. To implement backward stepwise regression, you can follow these steps:

  1. Start with the full set of features.
  2. Train the model using all the features.
  3. Evaluate the performance of the model at each step and keep track of the set of features that maximizes the performance.
  4. Remove the least statistically significant feature and repeat steps 2 and 3 until no more features can be removed without reducing the model's performance.

Implementing stepwise regression with both forward and backward selection

Bidirectional elimination is a combination of forward and backward selection, where the algorithm alternates between adding and removing features until no more changes can be made to improve the model performance. To implement stepwise regression with both forward and backward selection, you can follow these steps:

  1. Start with an empty or full set of features.
  2. Perform forward selection until no more features can be added without reducing the model's performance.
  3. Perform backward elimination until no more features can be removed without reducing the model's performance.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until no more changes can be made to improve the model performance.

Evaluating model performance during feature selection

Evaluating model performance during feature selection

Measuring model performance with cross-validation

Before we can start selecting features, we need a way to measure the performance of our model.

Cross-validation is a popular technique for doing this, which involves splitting the data into multiple folds, training the model on each fold and testing it on the remaining folds. 

This allows us to estimate the model's performance on new, unseen data.


  • Cross-validation scores: [0.4917767302089474, 0.44285601596066904, 0.5560788268203227, 0.5022280054094583, 0.448602501672117]
  • Mean R^2 score: 0.488
  • Standard deviation of R^2 scores: 0.041

This code will output the cross-validation scores for each fold and the mean and standard deviation of the scores.

Choosing the optimal number of features

Once we have a way to measure the performance of our model, we can start selecting features. One important decision we need to make is how many features to include in the final model. 

To make this decision, we can use a method called "recursive feature elimination" (RFE), which involves repeatedly fitting the model with a decreasing number of features, and selecting the number of features that gives the best performance.

Here's an example of how to use RFE to select the optimal number of features for our diabetes dataset.


  • Optimal number of features: 6

This code will output the optimal number of features selected by RFE.

Stepwise Regression Implementation In Python

In this case study, we will explore how to use stepwise regression for feature selection. Feature selection is a process of selecting a subset of relevant features from the original feature set to improve the model's performance.

We will use the California Housing dataset, which contains information about the housing prices in California.

Stepwise Regression Implementation In Python

Our goal is to select the top features that can help us predict the housing prices accurately.

Step 1: Load and Prepare the Data

First, we need to load the California Housing dataset using the fetch_california_housing function from scikit-learn. This function loads the dataset as a dictionary, which we will convert to a Pandas DataFrame for easier manipulation. 

We will also split the data into features (X) and target (y) variables

Step 2: Preprocess the Data

Next, we need to preprocess the data to handle any missing values. We will use the SimpleImputer class from scikit-learn to replace any missing values with the mean value of the corresponding feature.

Step 3: Select the Top Features

After preprocessing the data, we can use the SelectKBest class from scikit-learn to select the top k features based on the F-test. We will select the top 5 features for this example.

Step 4: Split the Data into Training and Testing Sets

Before training the model, we need to split the data into training and testing sets. We will use 70% of the data for training and 30% of the data for testing.

Step5: Perform default Linear Regression


  • R^2 score using default 0.5112207323799293

Step 6: Perform Stepwise Regression

Now we are ready to perform stepwise regression for feature selection. We will use the SequentialFeatureSelector class from scikit-learn to select the top features.

We will set the direction parameter to 'backward' to perform backward elimination, which removes features one at a time until we reach the desired number of features. We will also set the n_features_to_select parameter to 3 to select the top 3 features.

Step 7: Train and Evaluate the Model with Selected Features

Finally, we will train a linear regression model on the selected features and evaluate its performance using the R^2 score. We will also compare its performance with the model trained on all the features.


  • R^2 score using SFS 0.4880706996667298

In this code, we first create a LinearRegression model and then create a SequentialFeatureSelector object with n_features_to_select=3 and forward=True to perform forward stepwise regression. 

First we fit the default LinearRegression to see if using SFS is worth it. Then We fit the SequentialFeatureSelector object to the training data and get the selected feature indices using sfs.get_support(indices=True). We then get the names of the selected features from the original feature matrix X using the selected indices.

Next, we train another LinearRegression model on the selected features and predict the target values on the testing set. Finally, we calculate the R^2 score using r2_score() and print the selected features and the R^2 score.

Note that we are selecting only 3 features instead of 5 using SequentialFeatureSelector in this example to demonstrate the stepwise feature selection process. In practice, you can experiment with different values of n_features_to_select and forward to find the best subset of features for your model.

From the output we can see that using SFS in Linear Regression helped to lower our r2 score from  0.5112207323799293 to 0.4880706996667298.

Limitations of stepwise regression

Stepwise regression has the following limitations

  • Bias: Stepwise regression is biased toward variables with more categories or levels. This means that variables with more categories or levels are more likely to be included in the final model, even if they do not improve the predictive power of the model.
  • Overfitting: Stepwise regression can lead to overfitting, where the model is too complex and works well on training data but not on new, unknown data.
  • Instability: this means that small changes in the data or model can lead to large changes in the selected variables.

Limitations in Alternative Feature Selection Methods

The following alternative methods are available for feature selection

  • Lasso regression: Lasso regression is a regularization method that adds a penalty term to the model to encourage the coefficients of some variables to be zero. This allows for a simpler model with fewer features.
  • Ridge regression: Ridge regression is another regularization technique that adds a penalty term to the model, but does not encourage the coefficients to be exactly zero. Instead, it encourages the coefficients to be small. This can also result in a simpler model.
  • Random Forests: Random Forests is an ensemble learning method that can be used for feature selection. It works by building multiple decision trees and combining their predictions.
  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA): Principal Component Analysis (PCA): PCA is one of the dimensionality reduction methods and can be used for feature extraction. It works by transforming the original features into a new set of uncorrelated features called principal components.

When to use Stepwise Regression vs. Other methods

Stepwise regression can be a useful tool for feature selection, but it should be used with caution.

It is important to be aware of the limitations of stepwise regression, particularly the potential for bias, overfitting, and instability. 

In general, it is recommended to use alternative methods such as Lasso regression, ridge regression, or random forests for feature selection. These methods can often produce more stable and robust models with better predictive power. 

However, there may be situations where stepwise regression is the most appropriate method, particularly if the number of features is very large and there are constraints on computational resources or model complexity.


In conclusion, stepwise regression can be a useful tool for feature selection in machine learning models. By iteratively adding or removing features based on their impact on model performance, stepwise regression can help identify the most important features and improve model accuracy. 

However, it is important to be aware of the limitations of stepwise regression, such as the potential for overfitting and reliance on specific statistical models. It is also important to consider alternative feature selection methods and choose the one that best fits the particular data set and problem.

Stepwise regression can be a powerful tool for feature selection, but it is not always the best choice. Here are some next steps to improve machine learning models using stepwise regression:

Experiment with different thresholds: The thresholds used in the forward and backward selection functions can have a significant impact on the final features selected. Experiment with different thresholds to see how they affect model performance and the number of features selected.

Try different scoring metrics: The R-squared metric used in this tutorial is a good indicator of how well the model fits the data, but it does not take into account the complexity of the model or the number of features selected. You may want to try other scoring metrics such as AIC or BIC to balance model performance and complexity.

Consider other feature selection methods: Stepwise regression is only one of many feature selection methods available in scikit-learn; you can try other methods such as Lasso or Random Forests to see if they perform better on your data You can try other methods like Lasso or Random Forests to see if they perform better with your data.

Use Domain Knowledge: Finally, don't forget to use domain knowledge to guide the feature selection process. Chances are you have prior knowledge of which features are likely to be important in your domain.

By taking these steps, you can further improve the performance of your machine learning model and make better use of stepwise regression as a feature selection technique.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Stepwise Regression

1. What is Stepwise Regression?

Stepwise Regression is a technique used for selecting the most relevant features in a regression model by iteratively adding or removing predictors based on statistical criteria.

2. How does Stepwise Regression work?

Stepwise Regression works by selecting variables to include in the model based on certain statistical criteria, either by progressively adding features (forward selection) or removing them (backward elimination).

3. What are Forward Selection and Backward Elimination in Stepwise Regression?

Forward Selection involves starting with no variables in the model and adding variables one by one. Backward Elimination starts with all variables in the model and removes them one by one.

4. What criteria are used to select features in Stepwise Regression?

Common criteria include the F-statistic, Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), or Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC).

5. What are the advantages of using Stepwise Regression?

Advantages include its ability to help simplify models, potentially improving interpretability and reducing overfitting.

6. What are the criticisms or limitations of Stepwise Regression?

Limitations include potentially selecting suboptimal sets of features and yielding unstable results with small changes in data.

7. Can Stepwise Regression be used for classification problems?

While traditionally used for regression, Stepwise Regression can also be applied in logistic regression for feature selection in classification problems.

8. How is Stepwise Regression different from Regularization methods?

While both methods address feature selection, Stepwise Regression does so by adding/removing features, while Regularization applies penalties to coefficient sizes to manage feature contribution.

9. Is Stepwise Regression sensitive to multicollinearity?

Yes, multicollinearity can influence the selection process, potentially resulting in the omission of important variables or inclusion of irrelevant ones.

10. In which software can I perform Stepwise Regression?

Stepwise Regression can be performed in various statistical software like R, Python (using libraries like `statsmodels`), and SPSS.

11. Does Stepwise Regression account for interaction effects?

Interaction effects can be considered in Stepwise Regression, but they need to be manually specified and can complicate the selection process.

12. How do I validate the results of Stepwise Regression?

Cross-validation or using a hold-out validation set can help ensure that the selected model performs well on new, unseen data.

13. Can Stepwise Regression handle high-dimensional data?

Stepwise Regression can struggle with high-dimensional data due to increased likelihood of overfitting and computational complexity.

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