6 Most Popular Techniques For Handling Missing Values In Machine Learning With Python

Missing data is a common problem beginners face when working with data or building machine learning models. It occurs when data values are absent, incomplete, or null, and can make it difficult to analyze and model the data accurately.
Missing values can be caused by a variety of factors, including data collection errors, data processing problems, and human error.
Working with missing data is an important skill for data scientists, and there are several common techniques for working with missing values in Python. One of the simplest techniques is mean-replacement, which replaces missing values with the mean of the available data.
Another commonly used technique is median imputation, which replaces missing values with the median of the available data. Mode imputation, which replaces missing values with the mode of the available data, is another commonly used technique.
Another approach to dealing with missing values is interpolation, which estimates missing values based on available data. Linear interpolation, polynomial interpolation, and spline interpolation are common interpolation methods used to estimate missing values.
6 Most Popular Techniques For Handling Missing Values In Machine Learning With Python
In addition, removing missing values is another option, but this can result in the loss of valuable data.
This article will examine these techniques in detail and provide examples to help you understand how to apply them in your own data analysis projects. It also describes the advantages and disadvantages of each approach and provides guidance on determining which technique is best suited for your specific data analysis needs.
By the end of this article, you will have a solid understanding of how to handle missing values in Python and be able to create accurate and reliable machine learning models.
In the field of data science and machine learning, it is common to work with large data sets. However, these data sets often contain missing values, which can significantly affect the quality of the analysis and the accuracy of the results.
Dealing with missing data is an essential task in data cleaning and preprocessing, and a variety of simple and more complex methods are available in Python to handle missing values.
The importance of handling missing values in Python
Missing values can be caused by various factors, such as data entry errors, incomplete surveys, or measurement errors. It is crucial to handle these missing values correctly because they can lead to biased estimates, reduced statistical power, and decreased model performance.
Missing values can also cause problems when using machine learning algorithms that do not handle missing values well. In some cases, missing values may be present in a large percentage of the data, making their treatment a critical step in the analysis.
Therefore, it is essential to understand the various methods available to handle missing values in Python and choose the appropriate technique based on the nature and amount of missing data.
Types of Missing Values In Machine Learning Projects
Understanding the type of missing values in the dataset is important because it can affect the choice of method used to handle missing values. There are three types of missing values:

Missing Completely at Random (MCAR)
In this type of missing value, the missing value is not related to any other variable in the data set, whether observed or unobserved. In other words, the probability of missing values is completely random and unrelated to any other variable in the data set.
In other words, the missing values are evenly distributed in the data set and do not introduce any bias into the analysis.
Suppose a company has an employee database containing employee names, ages, salaries, and departments. If some employees do not report their salaries and the probability of missing values is completely random and independent of the other variables in the data set, then the data is MCAR.
Missing at Random (MAR)
With this type of missing value, the probability that a value is missing depends on another observed variable in the data set. In other words, the missing value is related to other variables in the data set, but not to the missing variable itself.
Suppose a health care provider has a dataset that includes patient age, gender, smoking status, and presence of certain diseases. If some patients do not report their smoking status and the probability of missing smoking status depends on age, then the data is MAR. In this case, the missing smoking status depends on the observed variable (age).
Missing Not at Random (MNAR)
In this type of missing value, the probability of a value being missing depends on the missing variable itself, even after accounting for other variables in the dataset. This means that the missing values are related to the missing variable itself and can introduce bias in the analysis.
Suppose a survey is conducted to study the relationship between income and education level. If some respondents did not report their income, and the probability of income being missing depends on the actual value of income, such that individuals with higher incomes were less likely to report their income, then the data is MNAR.
In this case, the missingness of income depends on the missing variable itself (income), and can introduce bias in the analysis.
Popular Techniques for Handling Missing Values in Python
Handling missing values is an important step in the data preprocessing pipeline. Fortunately, Python provides a variety of techniques for handling missing values.

Mean Imputation Technique
Mean imputation is a simple method for dealing with missing values. This method replaces missing values with the mean of the available data. This method works well when the data are normally distributed and missing values are randomly distributed.
An important point to note is that if the missing values are not MCAR, mean imputation can lead to biased estimates.
For example, suppose we have a dataset of student grades, where some of the grades are missing. We can use mean imputation to fill in the missing values:
Mean Imputation Output
- 78.000000
- 95.000000
- 83.000000
- 84.714286
- 88.000000
- 91.000000
- 84.714286
- 76.000000
- 82.000000
Advantage and Disadvantages of Mean Imputation
Median imputation
Median replacement is another simple technique for dealing with missing values. This method replaces missing values with the median of the available data. This method is useful when the data are not normally distributed and the missing values are randomly distributed.
For example, suppose we have a dataset of employee salaries, where some of the salaries are missing. We can use median imputation to fill in the missing values:
Median Imputation Output
- 50000.0
- 75000.0
- 60000.0
- 60000.0
- 80000.0
- 65000.0
- 60000.0
- 45000.0
- 55000.0
Advantage and Disadvantages of Median Imputation
Mode imputation
Mode imputation is a simple technique for handling categorical missing values. In this method, the missing values are replaced with the mode (i.e., the most common value) of the available data.
For example, suppose we have a dataset of customer preferences, where some of the preferences are missing. We can use mode imputation to fill in the missing values:
Mode imputation Output
- blue
- green
- red
- red
- blue
- green
- red
- red
- red
Advantage and Disadvantages of Mode Imputation
Interpolation (linear, polynomial, and spline)
Interpolation is a method of estimating missing values by filling in gaps between known values with mathematical formulas. Various interpolation methods include linear interpolation, polynomial interpolation, and spline interpolation.
Linear interpolation assumes that the missing value lies on a straight line between two known values. Polynomial interpolation assumes that missing values can be estimated using a polynomial function. Spline interpolation assumes missing values can be estimated using a piecewise polynomial function.
Here's an example of using linear interpolation to fill missing values in a pandas DataFrame:
Interpolation Output
A | B |
1 | 10 |
2 | 20 |
3 | 30 |
4 | 40 |
Advantage and Disadvantages of Interpolation Imputation
Last observation carried forward
Last Observation Carried Forward (LOCF) is a method of imputing missing values by carrying forward the last observed value. This technique assumes that the missing values are similar to the last observed value.
Here's an example of using LOCF to fill missing values in a pandas DataFrame:
date | data |
2021-01-01 | 1 |
2021-01-02 | 2 |
2021-01-03 | 3 |
2021-01-04 | 4 |
Advantage and Disadvantages of LOCF Imputation
Dropping missing values
Dropping missing values is a technique where rows or columns with missing values are removed from the dataset. This technique is simple and effective but can result in a loss of information if too many rows or columns are dropped.
Here's an example of dropping missing values from a pandas DataFrame:
Dropping missing values Output
A | B |
1 | 10 |
4 | 40 |
Advantage and Disadvantages of Dropping Missing Values
It is important to note that the choice of method for handling missing values depends on the nature of the data, the amount of missing data, and the purpose of the analysis. It is recommended that different methods be considered and compared in order to find the best approach for a particular data and analysis task.
Best Practices for Handling Missing Values
Handling missing values is a crucial step in data preprocessing before building machine learning models. Choosing the right technique to handle missing data is essential to avoid bias and ensure accurate model predictions.

Choosing the Right Technique
There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to handling missing values in a dataset. The best technique for handling missing values depends on several factors, such as the type of data, the extent of missing values, and the research question.
Understanding the nature of the missing data
It is essential to understand the nature of the missing data before choosing the right technique. There are three categories of missing data: missing completely at random (MCAR), missing at random (MAR), and missing not at random (MNAR). Each category requires a different approach to handling missing data.
The impact of each technique on the analysis
It is also essential to consider the impact of each technique on the analysis. Some techniques, such as mean imputation and last observation carried forward, can introduce bias and affect the statistical power of the analysis.
On the other hand, dropping missing values can lead to a loss of information and decrease the sample size. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the impact of each technique on the analysis and choose the technique that minimizes the potential bias and loss of information.
In conclusion, handling missing values is a crucial step in any data analysis project. In this article, we explored the most popular techniques used in Python for handling missing values, including mean, median, and mode imputation, interpolation, and dropping missing values.
We also discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each approach and provided examples of how to implement each technique in Python.
When dealing with missing values, it is essential to consider the type of missing data, the nature of the data, and the impact of each method on the analysis. Selecting the appropriate technique for handling missing values will improve the accuracy of the analysis and lead to more robust conclusions.
As a best practice, it is recommended to understand the nature of missing data and consider the impact of each technique on the analysis before selecting an approach. In addition, it is always a good idea to validate the results of any missing value processing technique to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the analysis.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Handling Missing Value
1. What are missing values in machine learning datasets?
Missing values are data points that are absent in a dataset. They can occur due to various reasons like data entry errors, unrecorded observations, or deliberate omissions.
2. Why is handling missing values crucial in machine learning?
Missing values can distort the performance of machine learning models, leading to inaccurate predictions or biases. Handling them ensures a robust and reliable model.
3. Can I just remove rows with missing values?
Yes, this technique is called "Listwise Deletion." However, it might lead to loss of valuable data, especially if many rows have missing values.
4. What is mean/median/mode imputation?
It involves replacing missing values with the mean, median, or mode of the respective column. It's a simple and quick method but might not always be the most accurate.
5. How does K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) help in imputation?
KNN can predict and impute missing values based on similarities with 'k' closest instances (or neighbors) from the dataset.
6. Is there a way to impute missing values using machine learning models?
Yes, regression models, decision trees, or deep learning can be trained on the observed data to predict and impute missing values.
7. How does Python's Scikit-learn library help in handling missing values?
Scikit-learn provides utilities like `SimpleImputer` for basic imputations and has compatibility with other libraries for advanced techniques.
8. What is multiple imputation?
Multiple imputation involves creating multiple independent imputed datasets. Analysis is carried out separately on each, and the results are pooled for a final estimate, reducing imputation bias.
9. Are there specialized libraries in Python for handling missing values?
Yes, libraries like `Fancyimpute` offer advanced imputation methods such as KNN imputation and matrix factorization techniques.
10. When should I use interpolation for missing values?
Interpolation is useful for time series or sequential data, where missing values can be estimated based on preceding and succeeding data points.
11. Does handling missing values guarantee a boost in model performance?
Not always. The impact varies based on the dataset, the extent of missing values, and the chosen imputation method. However, proper handling generally leads to more robust models.
12. Is it essential to always handle missing values before training a model?
Most machine learning algorithms require complete data to function correctly. However, some tree-based algorithms can inherently handle missing values.
13. Are there visualization tools to identify missing values in Python?
Yes, libraries like `missingno` offer visualizations to quickly identify patterns of missing data in a dataset.
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