Top Rated Data Science Courses

Top Rated Data Science Courses

Top Rated Data Science Courses

Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow. ---Anthony J. D'Angelo Share on X

Popularity of Data science Technologies

The world is changing so fast with the improvements in the tech components for sure these technologies were data science techniques. Every corner of the world is using the technologies like Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning in the most advanced way to get their problems solved.

All these technologies were hidden backend components for the last 5 years invention happen in the world. These are the core components in the Self-car driving, Google Voice search, Personal Google search results, Amazon just walk out shopping.., etc

These inspired products and the way tech people were using these data science technologies to address any kind of problem motivating people to get into the space of data science. The only way truly we can enjoy the taste of data science when we learned the top most data science and applied those skills in the process of solving a real world problem.

Data Science MOOC Courses

As the popularity technologies like Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Big data increasing, different fields people were trying to learn these technologies to taste the fun of applying the data science skills to solve real word problems and to increase the salary in their paychecks 🙂

MOOC course sites like Coursera, Edx, Udacity, Udemy offering hundreds of courses on data science technologies. These courses are ranging from beginners to advanced level. Every course provider is unique in their own way. The best thing is most of the courses site offers free courses and huge offers for learning the modern technologies for a decent price.

Top Rated Data Science Courses

All the courses listed below were the most popular and high rated courses in Udemy. We were listing the high rated courses in all the technologies below.

Deep Learning Courses

Deep Learning Courses

Deep Learning Courses

Below are the most popular and high rated Deep Learning courses

Deep Learning in Python 200$ 15$ (92% off)

The course Deep learning in python enrolled by 7,296+ students and having 4.6 rating.

What you will learn

  • To code a neural network from scratch in Python using Numpy library.
  • Will use  Google’s TensorFlow to code the neural network
  • The detailed explanation of the key terms related to neural networks, such as “activation”, “backpropagation” and “feedforward”.
  • Will learn about different types of neural networks and the different kinds of problems we can solve using neural networks
  • Install TensorFlow and using Tensorflow to create different kinds of neural networks.

Deep Learning Prerequisites: Linear Regression in PythonLogistic Regression in Python  120$ 15$ (88% off)

These two courses should take one after another, total 12000+ students were enrolled and having an average rating of 4.6

What you will learn

  • Implementing linear regression model, and applying it to solve data science problems.
  • Program our own version of a linear regression model in Python Programming language.
  • Implementing logistic regression from scratch in Python without any libraries.
  • Understand how logistic regression can be useful in solving different data science problems.
  • Understand how logistic regression works as an analogy for the biological neuron
  • Using the implemented logistic regression to solve real-world business problems like predicting user actions from e-commerce data and facial expression recognition.

Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning in Python  120$ 15$ (88% off)

2700+ students enrolled the course natural language processing with deep learning in python with 4.5 rating

What you will learn

  • Understand and implement word2vec, CBOW,  skip-gram method in word2vec
  • Get to know the negative sampling optimization in word2vec
  • Understand and implement GLoVe using gradient descent approach.
  • To get used of recurrent neural networks for parts-of-speech tagging and named entity recognition.
  • Implement recursive neural networks for sentiment analysis and tensor flow networks for sentiment analysis.

Data Science: Practical Deep Learning in Theano + TensorFlow 120$ 15$ (88% off)

3400+ students enrolled the course Practical Deep Learning with Theano + TensorFlow  with 4.6 rating

What you will learn

  • Learning applying momentum to backpropagation to train neural networks.
  • Understanding adaptive learning rate procedures like AdaGrad and RMSprop to backpropagation to train neural networks.
  • To get to know the basic building blocks of Theano and TensorFlow.
  • Learning how to Build a neural network in Theano and in TensorFlow.
  • Build a neural network that performs well on the MNIST dataset.
  • Understand and implement dropout regularization in Theano and TensorFlow.

Deep Learning: Convolutional Neural Networks in Python 120$ 15$ (88% off)

3300+ students enrolled the course Deep Learning convolution neural networks in python with 4.5 rating

What you will learn

  • Understand how convolution can be applied to audio effects and image effects.
  • Implement Gaussian blur and edge detection in code
  • Building image classification with the convolution neural networks.
  • Understand the architecture of a convolutional neural network (CNN)
  • Implementing convolutional neural network both in Theano and TensorFlow.

Machine Learning Courses

Machine Learning Courses

Machine Learning Courses

Below are the most popular and high rated machine learning courses.

Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science 200$ 15$ (92% off)

24900+ students enrolled the course Machine learning hands on Python & R with 4.5 rating

What you will learn

  • Advancing in Machine Learning on Python & R languages.
  • Building accurate predictions from robust machine learning models
  • Understanding how to add value to the business by using machine learning techniques.
  • Use Machine Learning for personal purpose
  • Learning the key topics like Reinforcement Learning, NLP and Deep Learning
  • Handle advanced techniques like Dimensionality Reduction

Data Science and Machine Learning with Python – Hands On!  120$ 15$ (88% off)

21600+ students enrolled the course Data Science and Machine Learning with python with 4.5 rating.

What you will learn

  • Analyzing the large data sets using a wide variety of machine learning, data mining, and data science techniques with the Python programming language.
  • Understanding machine learning on “big data” using Apache Spark and its MLLib package.
  • How to perform the experiments and interpret the results of A/B tests.
  • Visualize clustering and regression analysis in Python using matplotlib.
  • Implementing automated recommendations of products or content with collaborative filtering techniques.
  • Apply best practices in cleaning and preparing your data prior to analysis.

AWS Machine Learning: A Complete Guide With Python 200$ 15$ (92% off)

900+ students enrolled the course AWS Machine learning: A complete Guide With Python with 4.3 rating.

What you will learn

  • Learning AWS Machine Learning algorithms, Predictive Quality assessment, Model Optimization
  • Integrate predictive models with application using simple and secure APIs
  • Converting ideas into highly scalable products in days.

Introduction to Machine Learning & Face Detection in Python  50$ 15$ (70% off)

2500+ students enrolled the course Introduction to Machine learning & Face Detection in python with 4.4 rating.

What you will learn

  • Understanding how to solve regression and classification problems.
  • Using neural networks with python programming languages.
  • The most up to date machine learning techniques used by firms such as Google or Facebook
  • implementing Face detection application with OpenCV library in python.

Ensemble Machine Learning in Python: Random Forest, AdaBoost 120$ 15$ (88% off)

850+ students enrolled the course Ensemble Machine learning in python: Random forest with 4.9 rating.

What you will learn

  • Understand the bias-variance decomposition, bootstrap methods, and its applications.
  • Learning bagging to improve classification and regression performance.
  • Understand and implement Random Forest and AdaBoost.
  • Using the completed Random Forest and AdaBoost to solve real world problems.

Hadoop & Spark Courses

Hadoop & Spark Coureses

Hadoop & Spark Courses

Below are the most popular and high rated Hadoop & Spark courses.

Taming Big Data with Apache Spark and Python – Hands On!  100$ 15$ (85% off)

11700+ students enrolled the course Big Data with Apache Spark and python with 4.6 rating.

What you will learn

  • Understanding how to perform big data analysis problems with Spark.
  • Using Amazon’s Elastic MapReduce service to run cluster jobs with Hadoop YARN.
  • How to Install and run Apache Spark on a desktop computer or on a cluster.
  • Processing and analyze the large datasets using Spark’s Resilient Distributed Datasets across many CPU’s
  • Using the MLLib machine learning library to answer common data mining problems.
  • Understand how Spark Streaming lets your process continuous streams of data in real-time
  • Working on GraphX library to learn solve network analysis problems.

Apache Spark 2.0 with Scala – Hands On with Big Data100$ 15$ (85% off)

4900+ students enrolled the course Apache Spark with Scala with 4.6 rating.

What you will learn

  • Solving big data analysis problems with Apache Spark scripts.
  • Developing distributed code using the Scala programming language to optimize the spark jobs like partitioning, caching and other techniques.
  • Deploying to run Spark scripts on Hadoop clusters.
  • Coding to handle data streaming applications with Spark.
  • Learning how to transform structured data using SparkSQL and DataFrames and analyze the graph structures using GraphX.

Apache Spark 2.0 + Python : DO Big Data Analytics & ML  100$ 15$ (85% off)

600+ students enrolled the course Apache Spark with Scala with 4.4 rating.

What you will learn

  • Acquire Knowledge of Apache Spark 2.0 fundamentals and architecture.
  • Writing Spark 2.0 scripts for Transformations, actions, Spark SQL and Spark Streaming.
  • RuningMachine Learning / Data Science algorithms.
  • Solve real-world data problems with Apache Spark 2.0
  • Get confidence to handle interviews for Apache Spark 2.0 and get jobs.

Learn Big Data: The Hadoop Ecosystem Masterclass 40$ 15$ (62% off)

2100+ students enrolled the course The Hadoop Ecosystem Masterclass with 4.3 rating.

What you will learn

  • Mastering in the Hadoop ecosystem using HDFS, MapReduce, Yarn, Pig, Hive, Kafka, HBase, Spark, Knox, Ranger, Ambari, Zookeeper
  • Learning Big Data batch Processing.
  • Analyzing the real-time data using  Big Data tools.
  • Be familiar with the technologies in the Hadoop Stack
  • Understand how to install and configure the Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP)

Big Data and Hadoop for Beginners – with Hands-on! 50$ 15$ (70% off)

15100+ students enrolled the course The Hadoop Ecosystem Masterclass with 4.2 rating.

What you will learn

  • Will learn everything needed to know about Big Data, and Learn Hadoop, HDFS, MapReduce, Hive & Pig by designing Data Pipeline.
  • Get to know the different technology trends, salary trends, Big Data market and different job roles in Big Data.
  • Understand each and every architecture of Hadoop and its component.
  • Learning the Hadoop installation process.
  • Understanding how to perform the MapReduce, Using Hive and Pig to analyze big data sets.
  • Start writing your own codes in Hive and Pig to process huge volumes of data.

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