Amazon Go : The Just Walk out Technology
Amazon Go Just Walk out Technology
The leading online shopping king Amazon introducing their new technology with the name Amazon go. Which changes the way people do the physical store shopping and calling their new technology as Just walk out technology.
Even though online grocery apps are offering the home delivery services to get the grocery products from local grocery shops. Still, we would like to do physical store shopping to get the daily needs. The primary concern with the physical store shopping is standing in line to pay the bill for the items we would like to purchase.
Physical store shopping could be a bottleneck when we are rushing to attend somewhere and the bill payment line more than expected. It will be more painful when we were doing physical store shopping on weekends. To address this issue, Amazon comes with an just walk out technology Amazon go.
How the Amazon Go Started
In the Amazon go official page they have said the idea started four years ago. When the team discussed creating an excellent shopping experience for the users with no lines and without checkout. The powerful solution is Amazon Go. Amazon pushes themselves to use the power of computer vision and machine learning to build the just walk out technology.
How to do shopping with Amazon Go
The shopping will start with installing the free Amazon Go app in the mobile and open the app. Then everything will be same as the real shopping. We can collect the items we would like to purchase and place in the bag. If we change our mind to buy any other item, we can just place it back, and our virtual basket will be updated.
Once the Amazon stores open, we can get the freshly cooked breakfast, lunch, dinner and tasty snacks. The delicious thing is some of the items were prepared by Amazon chefs or by the famous local chefs. This means we were going to experience the excellent shopping experience along with delicious tasty food too. Coming to grocery items, we can buy the daily essentials like bread and milk, cheeses, etc. We can get locally made chocolates too. 🙂
All the items we have selected to purchase will track in the virtual basket, and it will dynamically update. This will happen based on whether we picked the thing or not. Once we select the items, we would like to buy our shopping came to an end. We can just walk out of the store. The money will be deducted from our Amazon go account.
Technologies used to build Amazon Go
This Just walk out technology developed using the similar kind of technologies used in the self-driving car. These are computer vision, Sensor fusion algorithms, and deep learning.
Amazon Go location and when can visit
The store will roughly 1800 square feet which help customers just to get in and leave the store with the items. Amazon Go store located at 2131 7th Ave, Seattle, WA, on the corner of 7th Avenue and Blanchard Street. The doors of the store will be open early in 2017
Have a look at the official Amazon go Just walk out technology video to know more. Meanwhile just enjoy shopping with amazon
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